What is a religious refusal? It’s when an individual or institution refuses to provide care or services to others based on their own religious beliefs and in many cases, religious refusals are legal. This series explores the impact of religious refusals on New Mexicans and their families.
Friday Dec 31, 2021
S02 E5: Episodio en español/Spanish Language Episode
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Este episodio es una conversación en español sobre la discriminación religiosa y los rechazos religiosos desde una perspectiva culturalmente latina y católica.
Visite www.nmentiende.org para más información sobre la colaboración comunitaria que aspira a un Nuevo México donde todas las personas tengan acceso al cuidado de salud y apoyo que necesitan, independientemente de quiénes sean o a quién amen.
This episode is a round table conversation held in Spanish speaking to religious refusals from a culturally Latine and Catholic perspective. Join the Heart of New Mexico moving beyond amen.
Visit www.nmentiende.org learn more about the ongoing community collaboration that envisions a New Mexico where all people have access to the care and community they need, regardless of who they are or who they love.